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Growing Garcia Nursery a Success

Saturday, September 10, 2022 | Virginia Beach, VA

At the end of August, our Virginia Beach office concluded its first-ever onsite “Growing Garcia” nursery which was established last summer.
It followed our company's forward thinking to change state legislation and open-mindedness to bring an onsite nursery concept to reality. In 2019, we collaborated with Delegate Jason Miyares to improve childcare access in the Commonwealth, affording more alternate childcare options to small businesses and working parents. And in 2021, we converted an extra office space into a nursery for care of two infants starting at 6 weeks and up until approximately 1-1.5 years old.
The nursery brought deep enrichment to both parent and child and demonstrated the value of family in our office. It was quite an office moral booster too! It's our hope that what was created in the Growing Garcia Nursery will be seen and duplicated by other companies looking for alternative ways to support their staff.

Growing Garcia Nursery